When a dental emergency takes you off guard, turn to your trusted dental team. Dr. Shifrin and her team are pleased to assist patients with dental emergencies.
Ignoring a dental emergency might increase your risk of pain, further damage, and invasive dental procedures. Our goal is to treat the situation as soon as it arises to prevent escalation. The sooner you give us a call, the easier treatment will be!
Dr. Shifrin provides high-quality emergency dental care to quickly relieve all kinds of dental emergencies.
Do I Need Emergency Dental Care?
- Knocked out tooth: Tooth avulsion is nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. Get into your dentist’s office as soon as possible. Retrieve the tooth, rinse it gently, and place it back into its socket or a plastic bag filled with milk.
- Broken or chipped tooth: If possible, save the fragments of the tooth. It is important to call your dental professional so we can fill in the breakage before bacteria infiltrates. Rinse the tooth and apply gauze to the area in the case of bleeding.
- Dental bleeding: Any profuse bleeding should be attended to by a doctor. Call 911 or visit your local emergency room. After first aid, you can see your emergency dentist to resolve the issue at its source.
- Broken dental work: If your orthodontics are broken and painful, or you have lost a crown or filling, contact Duluth Dental Center right away. We will talk to you about your options and fix the problem as soon as possible.
- Abscess: If you notice a pimple-like bump on the gums, it is critical to seek treatment immediately. Abscesses are a serious condition that can affect the gums and teeth and can even infect the rest of the body.
We provide pain-free and effective emergency care. Don’t panic when you or your loved one has a dental emergency–give us a call at Duluth Dental Center for quick assistance.